Friday, February 8, 2008

journal 1 intro letter

I am david davenport and am a product of Mission Viejo, ca. Proud Home of the real desperate housewives of orange county. I was born and raised in mission viejo and after a brief stint away for college i have returned to the "OC" . I went to highschool at capistrano valley christian highschool in san jaun capistrano. After highschool i went to Saddleback community college where I played football and recieved my AA. From there i continued my acedemic and athletic career at Azusa Pacific University where i graduated with a history degree in 2005. Now currently i am in the concurrent credential program at cal state san marcos.
Prior to college my experience with technology entailed aol instant messanger and microsoft word. During college i became familiar with some programs like photo shop and other design programs, but still pretty standard elemtary stuff. (this blogging stuff is all new for me). Heres my view on the technology war over Mac V. PC ive always used a pc but evertime i use a mac i walk away saying "that was a sweet computer". Kinda like this one im on right now (on a Mac at the college...huge monitor...its sweet). I feel pretty confident that i would choose this computer over a pc.(in other words the final score is: mac 1 pc 0) I think i use microsoft office 07' but if i can be honest...i dont know.
One thing about the COE mission statement that I absolutely get excited about is the commitment to student centered education, which i feel translated over to life long learning. Its important to me that education has a relational dynamic that impacts me and others to think about what we are doing or plan on doing and how we are/plan on doing "it". I decided to apply to csusm after a few conversations i had with some teachers that i have built relationships with through my current job. I work for capistrano unified school district for the special education department. I travel to different schools throughout the day. Best way to describe it is as an autism support team. We do classrom and recess support, social skills groups, as well as one on one intinsive instruction. Its an enjoyable job and inspired me to get my credential. Some of those teachers i met came throught the csusm credential program and encouraged me to apply so i did. So far i feel pretty good about it.


Patrick said...

Sweet layout! You've got to love those real housewives. I liked the youtube clips of the karate bear too.

Anonymous said...


We both seem to be on the same path. I too, am working in special education at the moment, a class with 8 boys who are autistic, ADHD or a little of both. I get the whole playground management scenario. I too, am monitoring my student’s in that setting. Getting them to walk to recess in an organized, quiet line is the equivalent of herding cats. Special education is quite challenging, but it is also quite rewarding. I have my “boys” already grilling me if I will be back in their classroom next year…that warms my heart to no end.