Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Journal 7- iboards---facebook

This discussion that i followed was about a study group application on facebook. The application is designed for these following ideas: http://apps.facebook.com/studygroups/
* Scheduling for classes, discussion sections, and group meetings
* Discussion boards for problem set groups, online tutoring, and virtual brainstorming
* Task lists so members of group projects can keep track of who's on what for when
* Document storage so your class assignments, notes, and courseworks are now accessible from anywhere
* Privacy and security so only you and people you've invited to your study group can access your notes, documents, and ideas
This program is a great idea because it brings educators into the students arena. The application is targeted towards students, but the hope is for teachers and educators to be brought into the equation. I just added the application and its a pretty sweet tool to have. Being organized, at least for me, does not come naturally. So this helps to promote organization and communication for yourself and with study groups. I think anyone who has facebook should check the application out and see if they like it. I also believe that as an educator, especially high school, its important to stay relevant to the kids we are trying to reach. And most of the upper level student are using facebook. What better way to promote learning than meeting the students where they are. All in all a great tool that i plan on using in my education and as a educator in the future.


Kgann said...

Personally I do not have facebook. But after reading about it and it's extra advantages other than just chatting with friends I became very interested. I like that fact that you can have discussion boards with groups that you can set up. In school teacher make us do a variety of group projects not realizing how hard it really is to get together. Having discussion boards helps students to brainstorm and stay up to date with whats going on in the group. Also I like the fact that they have document storage where you can keep your assignments, and you can access them anywhere you would like. No one can look at your stuff unless they have your password, which is great privacy just incase you don't want to store things on your computer where anybody can access it. Overall I was very excited to hear about this new wonderful way to study.

ashleyparks said...

We should have used this for our project. Maybe then we would have been able to communicate and figure out who was doing what. I like the fact that you can store your documents on there. It makes it easy to see who is doing what. I actually downloaded this today after I saw in on Classroom 2.0

Mtobin EDUC422 said...

I actually use facebook but not for the same reason the web 2.0 was studying. I thought that facebook was just another website for socializing with friends through pictures, and funny gifts and what not. I never knew about all the other networking with study groups and discussion boards. I think that is so awesome and another great way for students and teachers to communicate. Wow, I am definitely going to check that out the next time I am on. Maybe I should read more of the fine print.