Saturday, April 5, 2008

kidspiration a GREAT tool for K-5

I used the Kidspiration for Grades K-5. I made a web design for a comon sociol skill that i work on with my students with special needs. The program was very helpfull and i think i will use this in the future. In fact the web i made i used with a student last week. The student seemed to like the visual aides and web design.

In the classroom i could see myself using this tool. Especially in the math department. I think the way that it uses blocks to help learn regrouping could help many of my current and future students. Regrouping is always a tough concept for students and the visual aid of blocks is a great tool for helping to advance learning. I am actually very excited about using this tool in the classroom. Honest. Its a great site for kids and teacher

The site helped me out a great deal. I am definately an audio visual learner so any time i can have someone walk me through a new program it helps. Especially if you are as tech challenged as myself. I feel like my eyes were opened to what helpful tools are out there on the world wide web. I had no idea that tools like atomic learning existed to help educators learn how to manage programs. I found myself watching the automic learning video in one window and using kidspiration in a different window, as it walked me through how to use it. Overall i found it very helpful.

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