Thursday, April 10, 2008

Journal 8 - Presentations

web2.o presentation: Good PowerPoints-


The author of this post discusses the challenge of not making PowerPoint discussions boring...and or not to follow the temptation to read directly from the screen. The author points us to a site called slideshare. What is slideshare? It is a way to share your presentations with the world. Let your ideas reach a broad audience. Share publicly or privately. There are some really interesting and fun presentations on this website. The website had a contest for the top ten PowerPoint's and the thread i followed discussed some of those top presentations. I found these presentations on slideshare to be very interesting.I especially like the Meet Henry presentations on the site(shown above). Its a slideshow/powerpoint of a business man promoting his company in a very creative and easy way. This could be a translated into creative lesson plans. I think this web-site is a great place to try to make PowerPoint presentations more visually stimulating and interesting for our students. I hope that i can apply slideshare in some of my teaching lessons. This site would be beneficial for teachers to get great ideas for teaching in the classroom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a really hard time with PowerPoints since I always want to read the screen. It's hard to not look up and read exactly what is bulleted in the slideshow. Slideshare sounds like a great idea in order to get ideas and share ideas for PowerPoint presentations. Also, it would be a great tool for students to learn how to make great PowerPoints for an assignment in school. PowerPoints are for the most part boring and uninteresting, so any tools that educators or students can use to make them better is beneficial.